Paper Submission Guidelines
Prospective authors are invited to submit manuscripts reporting original unpublished research and recent developments in the topics related to the conference. Regular papers (12-15 Page Limit) should present novel perspectives within the general scope of the conference. It is required that the manuscript follows the template provided by the conference. Submissions must include title, abstract, keywords, author and affiliation with email address.
The templates are available in Microsoft Word and LaTeX format.
Paper Submission
Submissions of high quality papers in scope of conference are handled only through the Easychair website at:
General Instructions:
(1) The Plagiarism checking process will be done after receiving the papers and plagiarised content should be less than 15%.
(2) Soft copies of papers should be submitted as a .pdf/.doc/.docx file as per the given conference paper not exceeding 12-15 pages.
(3) Submit final Camera Ready paper before the deadline as per the template given above.
(4) The copy right form with due signature of all authors has to be submitted along with the registration form. You can send its scanned copy by mail, however it would be necessary to submit hard copy of the same during registration at the venue.
(5) For each accepted paper, atleast one of the authors must register before due date and present the paper in the conference. Failing this, the accepted paper will automatically be excluded from the proceeding without further notification.
(6) The papers are selected based on the theme and technical quality for one of the proceedigs i.e. the Springer CCIS/Springer IETE series/ Taylor francis journal. The selected paper for a specific proceeding will only be considered for that proceeding.
(7). Any request to change the proceeding will not be considered, meaning the paper selected for one proceeding will not be re-considered for another proceeding.
(8) You can process your VISA / Travelling arrangements to Jaipur, Rajsthan, India. Please let us know if you need our assistance for the same.
(9) All documents & other information should be sent in single email as per the deadlines.