The International Conference on Emerging Technologies in Computer Engineering
(ICETCE-2023) invites high-quality research papers that present innovative ideas,
novel approaches, developments, technologies, best practices, tools and techniques,
metrics, and future directions to young researchers and practitioners the field of
computer engineering.
The topics of interest include, but are not limited to,
the following:
Track 1: Industrial IoT
- Intelligent IoT
- Industry 4.0
- Smart Sensing
- Smart Waste Management
- Communication in Industrial IoT
- Intelligent resource management
- Embedded IoT
- Intrusion detection via data streaming
- Commercial and Industrial Building Lighting
- Smart Grids
- Smart Agriculture
- Autonomous Vehicles
- Intelligent Industrial Control Networks
- 3GPP standardization for Industrial IoT
- Time Sensitive Networking
- Energy-efficient wireless networks
- Connected transportation systems
- Real-Time Wireless Networks
- Enablers, Challenges, and Research Directions
Track 2: Cyber Physical Systems
- Cyber-Physical Systems Revolution
- Security of Cyber Physical Infrastructure
- Connectivity issues of Cyber-Physical Production Systems
- Artificial Intelligence and Cyber-Physical Systems
- Industrial Cyber-Physical Systems
- Complex Networks
Action based learning
Learning Factories
- Ambient Assisted Living
- Cyber-Physical Systems and Education 4.0
- Smart Manufacturing Environments
- Human-based Industrial Cyber-Physical Systems
- Knowledge-Based Decision Making using CPS
Track 3: Miscellaneous
- AI Algorithms & Probabilistic Reasoning
- AI Applications & Tools
- Big Data Analytics
- Evolutionary Computing
- Heuristic & AI Planning Strategies and Tools
- Information Retrieval
- Image Processing
- Video Processing
- Natural Language Processing
- Machine Learning
- Deep Learning
- Computer Vision
- Object Recognition
- Information Retrieval
- Creating specialized datasets and standards
- Rough and Fuzzy Set
- Scalability of Learning Algorithms
- Statistical Learning
- Pervasive Computing and Ambient Intelligence
- Bioinformatics and Computational Biology
- Network Security
- Web Navigation and Mining
- Mobile Data Mining
- Mechatronics
- Adaptive Systems
- Business Intelligence
- Semantic Web Techniques and Technologies
- Soft Computing Theory and Applications