Swami Keshvanand Institute of Technology, Management & Gramothan, Jaipur, India
60 papers were selected and published in the Springer, Communications in Computer and Information Science
book series (CCIS, volume 1591), ISSN Number:1865-0937 (Scopus Indexed).
Link to ICETCE-2022 proceedings -
Conference proceedings published in IOP Conference Series: Material Science & Engineering, Volume No.
#1131 (2021 IOP Conf. Ser.: Mater. Sci. Eng. 1131 011001)
Link to ICETCE-2021 IOP proceedings -
Remaining 9 papers will be published in an upcoming special issue.
Record No. #48199 held during 07th-08th Feb. 2020.
Link to ICETCE-2020 proceedings –
29 papers were selected to publish in the Springer, Communications in Computer and Information Science
book series (CCIS, volume 985), ISSN Number:1865-0929 (Scopus Indexed).
Link to ICETCE-2019 proceedings -
The remaining 15 papers were published in the special issue of “Advances in Artificial Intelligence and
Pattern Recognition” In the Journal of Statistics and Management Systems, Taylor Francis (ESCI Indexed).
Link to ICETCE-2019 proceedings -
20 papers were selected to publish in the special issue of “Advances in Artificial Intelligence and Pattern Recognition” In the Journal of Statistics and Management Systems, Taylor Francis.
Link to ICETCE-2018 proceedings (Journal of Statistics and Management Systems, Taylor Francis) –
Eight papers were selected to publish in the Oxford Journal of Intelligent Decision and Data Science.
The remaining 27 papers were selected to publish in “Research magma: An International Multidisciplinary